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Stamford Carnegie Library awarded $100k multi-year grant

August 19, 2024

The Stamford Carnegie Library was built in 1910 in Stamford, Texas, a community of 2,900. Of the 32 Carnegie Libraries built in Texas, it is one of five left in existence today that is still functioning as an active library. 

Like many historic buildings, the Stamford Library’s structure requires remodeling and renovation. It has three floors and a total square footage of 12,750; however, nearly 70 percent of the building is unusable due to its structural integrity.

Today, the Community Foundation of Abilene, through the generosity of the Paula A. Windham Fund for Education and Community Development, has awarded $100k to the revitalization project. The two-year grant marks the largest grant in the fund’s history.

“Through the generosity of Dr. Paula Windham, capital projects like the Stamford Carnegie Library can receive much-needed support,” says Katie Alford, Community Foundation of Abilene President/CEO. “Dr. Windham’s legacy continues to make a difference in rural communities where transformative ideas are making a positive difference.”

The library is essential to the community and its well-being, offering many programs and services not found elsewhere.

“The Windham Fund was established to support special projects and capacity building in rural communities,” says Meagan Harris, Community Foundation of Abilene Rural Grants Manager. “The revitalization of the Carnegie Library ensures a higher quality of life for the Stamford community.”

The capital project will provide the funding to renovate the entire building to meet federal guidelines, including accessibility updates. 

“We are incredibly proud to have such a historic and unique building still operating in our small West Texas town,” said Ann Pippin, Stamford Library Director. “The revitalization will help us serve our neighbors better. We could not do our work without the generous support of organizations like the Community Foundation of Abilene and the Windham Fund.” 

Since the Windham fund was established in 2022, more than $900k has been distributed in grant funding across nonprofit organizations in West-Central Texas. 

About Dr. Paula Windham

Dr. Paula Andree Windham was a pillar of the Oplin, Texas, community. She was known as a trailblazer, a ranch woman, a scholar, a woman of faith, and a defender of love. This generous fund, established in her name, creates opportunities to address issues and improve the quality of life in rural communities throughout West-Central Texas. 

About the Foundation’s rural grantmaking

Grants from the Paula A. Windham Fund for Education and Community Development fund support a range of rural nonprofit initiatives serving the counties within a 150-mile radius of Oplin, including: Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Nolan, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, and Throckmorton.

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