Disaster Relief & Recovery

When disaster strikes, our local communities consistently respond to help their neighbors. The Community Foundation of Abilene is committed to responding to the complete timeline of disaster – from immediate relief to recovery to rebuilding.
Charitable donations to disaster funds are awarded as grants. The grant funding is awarded to nonprofit organizations and agencies, such as volunteer fire departments, as IRS rules restrict community foundations from making grants to individual people.
We are indescribably grateful to everyone who donates to support the communities affected by disaster, and we are thankful for those who work tirelessly to keep people safe.

VFD Support
Big Country Fire Relief Fund
The Abilene and Big Country region has seen destructive fires burn thousands of acres and destroyed homes and other buildings. This fund provides grants to volunteer fire departments and nonprofits serving people and businesses affected by wildfires.

Critical Nonprofit Support
When urgent help is needed from a nonprofit, the Community Foundation of Abilene is a trusted source where donors can safely make a gift. When disasters occur, this page will become active to provide information and ways to support.
We're here to help.
The Foundation works to support organizations in rebuilding efforts to help stabilize families and communities after disaster strikes.