It isn’t just what you leave, it’s what you create.
The Community Foundation of Abilene is built on the visions and dreams of inspired Abilenians. The Foundation's inception is credited to the Dodge Jones Foundation and Mrs. Judy Matthews (center in the above image). This initial gift of $750,000 began an endowment and continues to support the Foundation's operations and nonprofit grantmaking.
Including a charitable gift in your will or by beneficiary designation are simple and feasible ways to support your favorite causes while not affecting your current financial security.
Do you wish you could pass along "the gift of giving" to your children and grandchildren and teach them the importance of generational generosity? Do you hope to continue to help others in need for future generations, with causes that may not exist today?
You can help shape this community. If more individuals include charitable gifts in their will or beneficiary designation forms, the landscape of social causes in our region would be positively transformed forever.
Legacy Society
The Foundation’s Legacy Society recognizes people who are making gifts today that will provide significant benefits to our community in the future. A gift can be as simple as including a bequest to the Community Foundation in your will. You may leave a percentage of your estate, specify the dollar amount, or designate the Community Foundation as a contingent beneficiary.
However, planned giving encompasses much more than a simple bequest. With the goals of providing for your loved ones, reducing taxes, and remembering worthy causes, there are a variety of techniques available—with mutual benefit to you and your favorite charitable organizations now and in the future.
When you include the Foundation in your estate plans or create a life income gift, you qualify to become a member of the Legacy Society and will be included in all Foundation activities. You may choose to have your name listed in our annual report as a Legacy Society member or remain anonymous.
If you’ve already named the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, qualified retirement plan, life insurance policy, trusts, or pooled life income funds, please contact the Foundation so we can appropriately recognize you and ensure your wishes are met.
Leave 5
Almost anyone can leave 5% of whatever they have at the end of their lives to causes that have been important to them.
The purpose of the Leave 5 program is to inspire people to leave at least 5% of their estate to the local charitable causes they care about.
We want our community to make a lasting charitable impact for future generations.
It's about building thriving communities, endowed forever.
What will your charitable legacy be?
Please reach out to us today to learn more about planned giving and leaving a legacy. We also offer support to families in engaging the next generation of givers.