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Future Fund

Nygaard family at the 2019 Future Fund Family Service Day

January 09, 2020

by Kassidy Nygaard, 2019 Future Fund Board Co-Chair

This past year serving as board chairs for Future Fund has been a wonderful growth experience for Ricky and me, and we want to say "thank you" for the opportunity.

Some of the highlights have been participating in site visits to organizations such as the International Rescue Committee and Love and Care Ministries. Learning about these services has opened our eyes to even more amazing places and people in Abilene assisting our community and youth.

We also truly enjoyed getting to participate in Family Service Day with our children, helping pack weekend food supplies for hundreds of Big Country kids through Love and Care Ministries. Involving children in the process of helping others, to build servant hearts in the next generation of philanthropists, has been additionally rewarding.

Hitting the $1 Million dollar grant milestone and being allowed to surprise non-profits with additional funds to celebrate sure was a wonderful experience that can't go without mention! It has also been an exciting time working with the Open Road concert series and seeing it bloom with success that benefits our organization.

We have been honored to serve on such an amazing board, and appreciate the support we have received from this group of Abilene leaders, as well as the Community Foundation staff. We are grateful to live in such a giving and generous community.

Thank you all for making 2019 such a great year for Future Fund!


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